Thursday, May 23, 2013

Life in Haiku

Hello friends, 

A lighter post is due. This will be my attempt to not be so intense for once! Maybe. You tell me what you think. I'm taking a break from my love of spoken word and revisiting my AP English days and trying out Haiku. I'm the type of person that loves being presented with minimal resources and given a task to create something incredible out of very little. For example: I'll sometimes fly home to California with the bare necessities, a pair of jeans, a skirt and 3 shirts. I'll find a way to turn 2 outfits into 7 and still look faaaaabulous! :)

The haiku traditionally consists of 17 syllables, 3 lines of 5 syllables, 7 syllables & finally, 5 syllables. These rules don't have to be strictly followed as you'll probably notice in my own work. I'm a pretty gregarious person so to be challenged to convey life, thought and profundity (yep, I totes used that word) in almost just one breathe or moment is an awesome challenge. But it's been a super-gratifying hour of reflection, creativity, and processing. 

I've been in California on business and pleasure for the last few days. It's been a slew of visits, mileage, airplanes, cars and people. But it's good to be back on old stomping grounds. That's right. I may be turning into a Bloomington townie, but I'll always be a valley girl. 93257 for life!!!

A few notes on the Haiku experience and my pieces:
1. They are purely objective. 
2. My job is to show. Not tell.
3. These aren't in any chronological order. 
4. Interact! Let me know which ones you enjoyed, respond with your own Haiku, ask me your questions.
5. Refer to this great Haiku writing guide if you don't know where to start: How to Haiku!

Even if you don't want to respond with your own haiku, you should try an hour of expressing your life and experiences in this way. I hope you find it as gratifying as I did. You could totally zen out the whole experience by finding a spot to disappear and be undisturbed. Yoda style.

(I've changed the settings on posting comments so you should be able to post now.) 


Energy and peace!
Mint, cream and coffee entwined.
My sip of comfort. 

Unbridled freedom.
A scripture coated in ink. 
Love is revealed. 

Day 6 is here. 
My cell phone buzzes.
"See you tomorrow."

Longing confirmed. 
Grit and sun are holding hands.

A game of scandal on cards.
Best job ever. 

Siblings unhinged. 
Windy car rides; young at heart.
Frozen adulthood. 

Pile of treats at home.
Favorite foods on the stove. 
Mom is nowhere found. 

Laptop whirring
Ambiguous calendar. 
Shorter days to come. 

Hands clammy with sweat.
Voices feeding through headphones.
Ownership transferred.