Friday, May 20, 2016

Imago Dei: My small ode to AAPI heritage month

To my beautiful Asian brothers & sisters who live in a reality that demands so much of them - as women, as exotified, orientalized play-things, as fobbish, American, American-ish, wife, wife-to-be, -- should be, can't be, single & seeking, single & not seeking; As men, too feminine, too slim, too small, too short, emasculated, Jackie Chan look-a-like, must have a black belt; daring-to-dream big, pushing the boundaries of your culture - their culture, standing on shoulders of immigrant legacies daring to dream for pies in the sky, never catching a break, meeting standards and expectations, upholding roles and traditions, breaking tradition, making new traditions while trying to keep honor and avoid shame. Believing in your strength and capacity without disrespecting your elders. No one pausing to ask if you're okay. Buzzing forward at 10,000 mph, attempting perfection. In everything. Teetering between two worlds. Tottering between glimmering new horizons & beautiful, must-be-preserved customs. Forgetting parts of yourself to fit in. Rejecting parts of yourself to make it.

Breathe. Remember to choose yourself.
The self that feels complete. 
Pizza-eating, kimchi-munching, Asian-sitting, not-Harvard-bound, basket-ball loving self.
You are Imago Dei. Beautiful. Just as you are.
No less. No more.

All those voices will be there when you return to the mire.

Hold tight to your soul, lest you become only but a shadow of your true self.
It can take years to recover the pieces.
It can take decades to render the original canvas and know what it once was and is meant to be.

Breathe. Remember to choose yourself.
The self you know is 100%
Fork-only-eating, Taglish-only-speaking, Westernized, male Feminist, progressive self.
You are Imago Dei. Beautiful. Just as you are. 
No less. No more. 
Rend your soul from the grasp of those who give nary a glance at the precious cargo they've taken hold of. Who consume you and discard you. Who know you, but don't know YOU. Whose conscience is dim to the glorious readable chapters of your novel. Not just the chapters of the "American Dream" saga, where you can read about Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Lucy Liu, Harold & Kumar, the art of telemarketing and eating dog. It includes the appendix citing Japanese Internment, Domestic Worker exploitation, Refugee status, Aloo Gobi, 1947 Partition, Fish sauce & Dinogoan, Hawaii's illegal annexation, Comfort women & Islamophobia. It includes the footnotes about bi-cultural identity in a hyper-racialized world, intersectionality, and what the acronym AAPI stands for. 

Choose yourself.
Imago Dei.
Just as you are.

In honor of AAPI Heritage month
Inspired by Kathy Khang's blog post:

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Harkening back...

2016 is going to be an interesting year. I'm in the throws of a turning tide in my life (not to be dramatic or anything). But I've just sensed the past 2 years has been a preparation for this time. What time? I really can't say. All I know is that I feel a transformation happening within me. Not the kind of 'floo-powder' transformation - temporary, momentarily purposeful and self-imposed. It is the kind of change that's like when your legs fall asleep and you get up and you slowly feel the tingling take over your toes, creep up your leg and you don't want to move because you're not sure if you can handle what's next if you do. And yes, I know some of you will just have all the eye rolls to give. Some of you have eye-rolled so hard you might as well take a nap. Lol. I know I sound like some hippy ohming on the floor on a yoga mat (which, btdubs. no one should hate unless you've given the practice a good ol' college try. Feel free to ask me how I reconcile my faith with yoga. I think it's possible. Not easy. But possible). But you be you. Imma be me.
So why am I telling cyberspace this? Because I was just inspired to. No particular reason. It's been awhile since I've let the click of the keyboard be for more than emails and writing up work-related word docs. 

Anyway, my post is a cheat. In the effort to just gear up my blog posting once again with little effort on the onset, I'm re-posting something I've put online before. Occasionally, I peruse the dusty old archives of my Facebook and recently, I revisited my "Notes" page. Some things date back to some OLD SCHOOL dayzzzzzz!!!!!! What I noticed was a burst of creative writing energy between 2009-2012. I don't think it's a coincidence that those years were some of the most critically formative years of my life thus far. Is it uncanny to feel that same surge of creativity returning as I sense this season of transformation unfolding in my life? I think not.

All I know is that I've called three of those years a golden age of growth in my relationship with God. A season of just hungering ravenously for time with him. A season of peace and contentment in life because I was so sure of his presence and guidance in my life. A season of personal growth and development.
This older post is a bit emo, but it was written March 22, 2009. If my memory serves me correctly that was an incredibly sobering time in my life, marked by a poorly chosen romantic relationship, compounded by desperation and character development that was so lacking because of unchecked sin and flaming idols that consumed all of my attention. I was watching my world tailspin into a direction I never thought I would have to consider as an option for my life. I know I'm being vague, but really it's something I tend to share only as the Lord leads. Some of you know what I'm talking about. If you feel compelled to ask you are more than welcome to. In hindsight, I was a month away from what I can only explain to this day as a miracle and a second chance at a life that I think God wanted me to take seriously. 
Anyway, remaining the open book that I tend to be, enjoy the small window into my past. 
May it bless you and your own mental ponderings.


It's not too late, but late enough to be the wee hours in the morning. Haha can't beat me watching Robin Williams in "In the Actors' Studio" till 5am in the morning yesterday. Don't judge me. It was fun. I don't know if it's just me being an overly emotional female, but nonetheless I have something to vent about.

In the past few days I've been thinking a LOT about friendships, the dynamics of relationships, their goods and their bads. More importantly I've thought about how I've treated mine, how much I've messed them up, and how much they've been essential to my maturity as an individual.

I can only thank the grace of God which manifests itself in the particular friendships that have been my most cherished relationships in my life thus far. These people know me literally inside and out. They've seen the worst of me. They know my deep dark secrets. They know what I look like in my pajamas, without the done up hair, the smell goods, and the eyeliner. They've been beneath the surface of my pretend-perfect-no-mess-ups life.

I've learned a lot from them. Awesome things. Great, and hilariously fun things. They've taught me how to make jewelry, where all the cool spots are. They've stayed late nights with me doing homework, studying for tests, eating pizza at 4am in the morning. They are the people I can have deep, soul-searching conversations with and even disagree upon, but laugh and smile with the next day.

On the flip side, I have probably learned the most painful, life-altering, character-building lessons from those very same people. As old-school and cliche as it seems, your actions really do speak louder than your words. I've learned, that especially in the name of Christ, how our lives speak to other people is quite important. To those who you hold most dear, your life is especially magnified, and I had friends who were bold enough to let me know when my words did not quite line up with my actions. They were also bold enough to tell me what, when, and why choices I made were selfish and had managed to put them in the crossfire, hurting them deeply.

Some of the most wonderful friendships in my life have been shredded to bits because of this. Some are only poor excuses for the kind of bonds we had in the past. Our endless evenings of laughter, and priceless moments of just being have turned into an awkward hello when our paths cross, or random conversations here and there. The worst are the moments when you remember what it was, as you look them in the face and wish it could be so once again. Alas, I believe that the Lord "gives and takes" according to the specific trajectory he has in mind for each of us. Only He knows best, and for what reason things or people happen to step into, or fall away from our lives.

The last I can say is that I've realized that I've become somewhat of a relational nomad. Save for one or two people who've been consistently present in my life, I don't really have a nest to fly home to. Or perhaps what's more accurate is that those nests have always been there, and I've not chosen to come enjoy it as often as I can. It's a naive thing for anyone to think that just because you consider them your closest buds, that you can disappear from their sphere of influence and return as though nothing will have changed. Life moves forward, and I've learned that people invest and make time for those who invest and make time for them. If you disappear for too long, they'll forget. And it's not their fault they don't remember to call you. Perhaps it's because you forgot to call first. I fear I've perhaps jeopardized some of my best relationships because of my naivete. By God's grace, He'll keep them in my life.

Well...done for now. Thank you to all of my wonderful, beloved friends.
