Monday, September 23, 2013

Tis the Season for Soups!!

NEW ENGLAND BOIL - A Lipumano-Smith Favorite

I'm not going to claim any credit for this. A kind gent from my husband's former workplace passed this recipe along. The only adjustment we made was adding the kale for a nutritious boost! It's day 1 of Autumn. And for me, that means soup, soup, soup!! I mean, we ate this even during Bloomington's 90 degree weather. But now is the time! Take a Saturday or Sunday to chop this up, throw this in a pot and curl up on your couch with a good book to read while it cooks up! And then curl up on a couch with a bowl of hot soup and a good book to read when it's finished. And then curl up AGAIN with a bowl of hot soup and a good book to read after a long day's work. And THEN...

Well... you get the picture. 

All in all, it works wonders for a home that's chock full of busy. Gregory and I have made giant batches of this and thrived the whole week. No brainer to pack for lunch on the way into town for work. And instead of slightly crying inside because food doesn't make itself when you get home and just want to crash, we just pop a bowl in the microwave and suddenly, a home-cooked meal is ready. :) 

5 Carrots (sliced into 1/2 cm rings)

1/2 Bunch of Celery (sliced into 1/2 cm)
Small Cabbage (Shredded)
1 small bunch of any kind of kale (Chopped 1-2in. width)
1 medium onion (Sliced) 
4 large red potatoes (Dice large pieces) 
1 16oz. can of diced tomatoes (don't drain) 
1 lb. of Hillshire Smoked Sausage 

1 32oz. container of chicken broth


1. Prep all ingredients and place in large stock pot except for chicken broth
2. Add chicken broth
3. Fill chicken broth container with water and add to pot
(All ingredients should be submerged in water. If not add water until this is the case.)
4. Set on medium-low heat and allow to boil/simmer for 1 hr (stir well, occasionally)
5. Once boiling set on low-simmer heat
6. Add salt, pepper & garlic powder to taste. 

Other alternatives to this recipe:
Option 1: Buy some ground sausage/ground beef, cook halfway in a pan and throw in during boiling process.
Option 2: Add some curry powder/pinch of cayenne pepper to taste
Option 3: Veggie option - slightly sautee diced extra firm tofu in a pan and throw in right before you add seasoning.


“Good soup is one of the prime ingredients of good living.  For soup can do more to lift the spirits and stimulate the appetite than any other one dish.”

Louis P. De Gouy, ‘The Soup Book’ (1949)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fitness Journey #2

Ok ok ok ok....

Day 2 - didn't work out :-/

But I was productive! Full work day!!! Promise. Started my morning hanging out and sharing life and caring for our line of work at 8am with a colleague and friend. Ended my day bonding through Starcraft with my husband and brother. Had good, sobering & necessary meetings with important people in my life. So fitness fail??? Maaaaaaybe. Relationship success? Tooooootally.

For now, enjoy some hilarious animal memes. I loves them :) 

Monday, June 24, 2013

A candid moment...

"Oh soul wrapped tightly in a bosom discouraged.
Wanting for hope and desolate in a placid external reality.
Inside, the storm rages, wailing for a touch from God.
I will not forsake thee. I will tread on with your promises.
Do I not still taste food fit for a king?
Do I not still sleep in a warm bed?
Your provision glares like the sun.
Pray-tell my ravaged soul of your promises oh Lord.
My lips can barely utter the shame of doubt which troubles me.
I will not forsake thee.
Though my heart pries itself from within your grasp, I will not forsake thee.
For I have tasted the fragile whims of earthly comfort.
It has wrought nothing but emptiness and conviction.
I hunger for you again, to be cherished;content within the fold of your hand
despite myself."
A Modern Psalm 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Life in Haiku

Hello friends, 

A lighter post is due. This will be my attempt to not be so intense for once! Maybe. You tell me what you think. I'm taking a break from my love of spoken word and revisiting my AP English days and trying out Haiku. I'm the type of person that loves being presented with minimal resources and given a task to create something incredible out of very little. For example: I'll sometimes fly home to California with the bare necessities, a pair of jeans, a skirt and 3 shirts. I'll find a way to turn 2 outfits into 7 and still look faaaaabulous! :)

The haiku traditionally consists of 17 syllables, 3 lines of 5 syllables, 7 syllables & finally, 5 syllables. These rules don't have to be strictly followed as you'll probably notice in my own work. I'm a pretty gregarious person so to be challenged to convey life, thought and profundity (yep, I totes used that word) in almost just one breathe or moment is an awesome challenge. But it's been a super-gratifying hour of reflection, creativity, and processing. 

I've been in California on business and pleasure for the last few days. It's been a slew of visits, mileage, airplanes, cars and people. But it's good to be back on old stomping grounds. That's right. I may be turning into a Bloomington townie, but I'll always be a valley girl. 93257 for life!!!

A few notes on the Haiku experience and my pieces:
1. They are purely objective. 
2. My job is to show. Not tell.
3. These aren't in any chronological order. 
4. Interact! Let me know which ones you enjoyed, respond with your own Haiku, ask me your questions.
5. Refer to this great Haiku writing guide if you don't know where to start: How to Haiku!

Even if you don't want to respond with your own haiku, you should try an hour of expressing your life and experiences in this way. I hope you find it as gratifying as I did. You could totally zen out the whole experience by finding a spot to disappear and be undisturbed. Yoda style.

(I've changed the settings on posting comments so you should be able to post now.) 


Energy and peace!
Mint, cream and coffee entwined.
My sip of comfort. 

Unbridled freedom.
A scripture coated in ink. 
Love is revealed. 

Day 6 is here. 
My cell phone buzzes.
"See you tomorrow."

Longing confirmed. 
Grit and sun are holding hands.

A game of scandal on cards.
Best job ever. 

Siblings unhinged. 
Windy car rides; young at heart.
Frozen adulthood. 

Pile of treats at home.
Favorite foods on the stove. 
Mom is nowhere found. 

Laptop whirring
Ambiguous calendar. 
Shorter days to come. 

Hands clammy with sweat.
Voices feeding through headphones.
Ownership transferred. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Patience (Recycled wisdom falling fresh)...

I'm learning so much these days...

Isn't it so true though? Deep in the core of who I am, I want to know that I have full direction of my life and everything in it. It breaks down quickly when I fixate on one of my deepest desires as a human in community to experience genuine love. I have zero control over my externals - who laughs at my jokes, who tells me I'm smart, who says I'm beautiful, who breaks my trust, who slanders my name or who offends me and mine. But I can lead myself in the way of love, to be the best example towards those I love and to those who I have difficulty loving. And I believe that love begins with patience. 

"Love will inspire you to become a patient person. When you choose to be patient, you respond in a positive way to a negative situation. You are slow to anger. You choose to have a long fuse instead of a quick temper. Rather than being restless and demanding, love helps you settle down and begin extending mercy to those around you. Patience brings an internal calm during an external storm...Patience gives [people] permission to be human." 

Patience is like a rock you're trying to push up a hill. Striving to get somewhere, you'd rather leave it behind and run straight forward with all that you have to offer. For me, that would honestly mean that I offer a short fuse, snipey words, lack of understanding and mercy for any opposing community, person or circumstance which comes my way. The world, already pretty messed up doesn't deserve one more person ready to snap.  So patience it is. It's not an inherent characteristic. But boy has there never been a better time to learn it than when I became married. But it's worth it's weight in gold, and more valuable than any precious metal. 

You see, I committed to Gregory Denis Lipumano-Smith till death do us part. 

That is fo-eva.


Our dating relationship could not have even projected the kind of perseverance it would take to be teammates in life!  

In my short span of living and experience, I've found that patience is one of 2 cornerstones of love. The other is kindness.  

But now, I don't have an out (nor do I want one). Pending exceptional circumstances, divorce is not an option.

Patience is what it's going to take, because patience requires all of the things counter-intuitive to my impulses.
Self-sacrifice instead of selfishness.
Humility instead of Arrogance. 
Willing to be wrong instead of needing to be right.
Winning a brother/sister instead of winning an argument. 
Dialogue instead of Divisiveness.
Understanding instead of Bull-dogging. 
Empathy/Sympathy instead of Cold-shouldering.
Forgiveness instead of holding grudges. 
Working through instead of walking out. 
Serving instead of demanding to be served. 
Mercy instead of condemnation. 
Grace instead of getting even. 
Re-building trust instead of Building up walls. 
Loving instead of hating. 

I pray that I strive for nothing less. 

(How Gregory exhibits patience after I've righteously annoyed him and am trying to apologize.)

Thank you to the dozens of people who have taught me so much about patience - parents, husband, family, friends, mentors, etc...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Reflections on a Savior Complex: A Christian Response to IUonStrike


         See that picture? That's pretty much how I want to feel. Every. Day. The desire to be a superhero really began when I got involved with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in college and started rubbing shoulders with brilliant students who wanted to live out the radical display of world-changing transformation that Jesus demonstrates in the New Testament of the Bible a. It was fueled by Shane Claiborne's book The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical and Jesus for President. I was blown away by the mind of a role model that lived so against the mainstream, was unafraid to engage in the mess of this world as well as exhort my generation of Jesus followers to bravely intersect our Christlikeness with politics and uncomfortable conversations that demanded introspection and a prophetic voice that speaks up against the evils of the status quo. 

(WARNING - RABBIT TRAIL: And that is why, I am unafraid to associate myself with hipster culture. Shaine Claiborne is my idea of what a hipster should be. Ironically cool in the most purposeful and transformative way. Yes. That still means showering less. Wearing torn jeans and listening to cool music before everyone else. But minus the exclusivity and arrogance.)

Aaaaanyway...back to the main topic. I found great purpose in my faith! And still do, by the way. I was proud to be Christian! My shoulders were held high, ready to save the world!!! I quickly became a fair trade fiend, started subscribing to BBC news, al-jazheera, CNN. Started reading the Economist, Foreign Affairs, and Sojourners to keep up with the latest current events. I joined the Campus Coalition Against Human Trafficking. I re-routed my academics to focus on human rights, and global issues. I became "that person" that asked whether the chicken being served at the restaurant was farm-raised (Portlandia anyone?). I started riding a bike and using public transportation to reduce my carbon footprint. The whole. 9. yards. But anyone relating to my journey knows that difficult moment when you hit THE WALL. That wall where you become overwhelmed by the swath of problems, the number of causes you have to support, paralyzed because you feel like a drop of change in a sea of brokenness. And the worst part of it all - the realization that you actually can't eliminate all of the evil and injustice. You could be the next Martin Luther King Jr. with the most strategic task force to effectively dismantle a systematic wrong and realize that there are limits to what you can do. I was crushed. I thought I could do it. I thought I could save the world. I'd developed a savior complex. 

Don't get me wrong. I'm still going the whole 9 yards. It's been 5 years since the start of my journey and I've gone through some fierce cycles of heroic valor, to complete paralysis, to apathy & complacency and back around again. It's been a relatively short journey compared to some of my Christian role models who've been living out transformative world-healing purpose since the Civil Rights Movement! But if I dare impart some discoveries as nuggets of revelation, I pray you'd bare with me and hear me out. 

1. A savior complex is unhealthy, Christian or not. The bar is perfection and no human is capable of that. It sets everyone up for disappointment, especially yourself.

2. Apathy is unacceptable, Christian or not. But especially if you claim to be a follower of Jesus. As much as society has bought into individualism, one cannot live in a vacuum that excludes the communal experience which engages in the suffering of others. 

That means, that the best place to be is in the middle ground between heroism and complacency. It's a tough road to tow. But necessary, because both extremes fall into the world of selfishness. From my own experience I know that the savior complex stamps out the insecurities of weakness and insignificance, while apathy fuels a desire for comfort and success with no negative consequence. 

So how do you stay in the middle? I've been trucking my way through a great book by Tyler Wigg-Stevenson, The World is not ours to Save "Finding the Freedom to do Good" which tackles the notion of the savior complex head on. I was profoundly struck by something I read in this book today:

"Our heroic impulse also reveals something dark and sinister about human nature. After all, superheroes require super villains...In a strange way, to accept evil as our opponent is to affirm it. This forecloses the possibility of imagining the holy alternative, where evil is not fought because it does not even exist. Finding ourselves in an arena with evil, we happily draw our swords and wade into the fight. But this means fighting on the devil's own terms, accepting the boundaries he has drawn for our gladiatorial arena. Loving the fight with sin means loving sin itself. It means that you can't want to win. What would you do if you did?" 

Bam. Sit on that for a bit. 

Stevenson is essentially saying that we all run the risk of being selfish humanitarians! Altruism for our own sake because it feeds our desire for significance. It is selfish benevolence at its best. I think that it is important for us to often examine our motives when we plunge into "the battle for good" for this reason. Because if we don't it can often manifest in arrogance, pride, hatred for the apathetic, and paternalistic towards those we wish to help. 

For me, as a Christian I live in the paradox of the cross that Jesus died on. He proclaimed in his last breath - "It is finished." As Stevenson so poignantly states, "...that all the heroism the universe could need was exercised there, in one man dying for the sin of the entire cosmos." I am humbled by a reality that a man named Jesus has already done the work and my response to believing that as truth is to vigorously exemplify the hope he proclaimed for humanity through my own personal transformation in word and action. And what good is a message of hope that isn't actually tangible? And followers embody the likeness of their leaders right? I think Jesus would expect no less. 


I began that way because, I think its important that you realize where I am coming from before I make any comments regarding the strike that is taking place at Indiana University that is protesting tuition hikes, unjust work policies & wages for support staff among other things. If you want to know more check out this link:

To be honest I was ecstatic about the strike! My husband, Gregory and I have been talking about the issues IUonStrike has raised for a LONG time and have felt little power to take action in the past. So to see a student-driven movement begin to snowball into something that could actually influence the university honestly brought me to tears. We decided to attend an organizing meeting for the strike to learn more about the strategy and motivations. After sharing a few questions and concerns we walked away a little disappointed and unsure whether we should participate at all. But since then, I've been wrestling as to whether it is even right for me to take part. That little hero inside was getting fired up again. I am torn even now with some moral reservations. 

Despite any criticisms towards the movement, I believe that the desire to act on behalf of something bigger than selfish ambitions is something students in the last decade have lost much conviction for. The United States has carried a legacy of student-led revolutions that have died out since the 1980s. So to see this happening at IU marks a tide that is turning, where the youth can become that prophetic voice against the evils of the status quo once again. So maybe it's loosely organized and can have a more unified voice but that is how grassroots movements begin! Frankly that's how anything usually begins -- Sheer inspiration and ambition motivated by personal experience and passion. We celebrate innovators and entrepreneurs that start things like FB from their garage. Ask them if they new what they were doing, if they had all the research and all the experience, and all their "I"s dotted and their "T"s crossed. I doubt they'd say "yes." 

But they grew with each moment that passed. They refined their product or program knowing that it could always be more effective. And that is what I see in the IUonStrike movement. They are taking a first step that no one else is willing to take. I pray that they will continue to persevere and not let the results of this first campus wide strike be the last, because like any movement for change it is a long road. 

 As for my views on the strike as a Christian, I believe that more of us should be engaged in the cause. In fact, I would expect church communities closely connected to the university to use this as an opportunity to teach effectively on how believers should appropriately think about, respond and act on behalf of these issues. 

  • Tuition hikes can easily spark a conversation about what it means to appropriately steward financial resources and avoid debt slavery.
  • Unjust work practices for support staff inspires a biblical call to fight on behalf of the marginalized not just from afar but for those within our reach.
  • Unjust wages and wage freezes calls us to question the idolatry of name and fame of University presidents & athletic coaches who receive signing bonuses and $25,000 for team wins when custodians can barely make enough to support a family. 
  • Increased enrollment for black students & proper care for undocumented students in the university inspires a biblical response to issues of racial injustice and a need for reconciliation.
The church should be the most willing to engage in robust dialogue, action and effective discipleship of Jesus followers when it comes to this stuff. But I'd argue that we remain the least vocal and the least equipped to respond. 

I know that I am biased because I have worked alongside staff in the student union who have been screwed over because of unjust work practices, I am a graduate strapped down by college loan debt, and I hear the stories of suffering experienced by minority students I work closely with through InterVarsity. It is difficult to disengage amidst such realities. 

I have had many conversations with people one-on-one who align with my perspective, but I cannot say that swaths of the Christian community have a resounding voice. In fact, I find myself aligning more and more with non-faith communities and individuals who desire to be a part of transformative healing and restoration in the world. What does that say about the church? (The Western/American church in particular?) What kind of discipleship are we exhorting people to? It's no wonder our 'good news' falls flat on its face!! 
The resounding question of youth today is, "Is God Good enough?" The Christian community must have an answer that begs more than a sound theological argument. "You will be my witnesses..." Jesus cried out to his disciples as he ascended into heaven. *Sigh*

I pray that I can be proven wrong on this account. 

Regardless of where you stand on faith and humanitarianism I hope that if nothing else you are moved to evaluate your goals and passions.

Even despite my reservations about IUonStrike, I am choosing to participate because I am in a position to advocate for those too afraid to vocalize their hurts because too much is on the line for their families, or that too much is on the line for their potential tenure and job security, or too much is on the line for their ethnic community. I'm choosing to walk my talk.

Christians -- I hope I see you on the front lines tomorrow. 

Call or text me if you want to strike together you Bloomingtonians: 
559 300 3775

Monday, January 28, 2013

Gettin my fitness on

First post of 2013!!! Can't wait to share this year with you all. :)

Nothing better than an exhilarating workout! One of my first new year's resolutions was to workout more regularly. Lol...who am I kidding. It's my resolution every year. Every day. The difference is, I'm determined to keep it! Wish me the best y'all. 

But let me tell you a little about this asian woman who's basically my trainer. We've never actually met in person, but she's awesome. A cali girl like me :) Don't underestimate her bubbliness, smiles and overflow of pastel colors. I've followed her blog and exercise vids for a little under 2 years now because of 3 big reasons. 

1. I get tired of doing the same workouts all the time and this woman works hard to keep the new workouts coming!

2. She's an innovator who listens to her fan base. Unique mashups of cardio and pilates moves that cater to the requests of those that fb, tweet, instagram, blog, etc...with her.

3. The most important thing, is that it never gets easy. Every time I think the videos get old, I scream and yell maaaaybe a few expletives that let her know through the computer screen how mad I am that she's making me do a bazillion reps of whatever move. 

Hardest workout so far that I dread every time it comes up on her calendar? LOLO LEGS. Try it out:

Bubbly? Fun? Neon-colored Joy? Do not be deceived. You die every time. Lunges for days. I mean lunges. For days. 

Lol...this is how it sometimes feels like to me when she's telling me to go through the exercise:

This is how she came off to me today:

In fact, just when you want to stop or give up she says, "Don't you dare stop!!" 
Argh. So angry sometimes. Lol. But she's great. 

Much of her fan base are tweens which she's pretty aware of. That's why I love that she's a positive inspiration that believes, promotes and lives out good health, good beauty, and good strength. Give her a chance! I know she caters to girls and ladies, but her fitness schedule will certainly put anyone up to a challenge. Check her out at

Till next time,

P.S. What have been you're tried and true fitness habits/good eats?